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Video Guides

We do our best to produce high-quality windows and doors with a long lifespan, but for optimal performance, it may be necessary to make minor adjustments from time to time.

On this page you will find videos that show you how to adjust Sparwindows doors and windows and how to replace parts.

Pine and alu-clad pine frames

Watch our video guides on installing and adjusting pine and alu-clad pine frames here.

Here you can see how to adjust the bracket in a top guided window to make it easier to open and close or to prevent it from closing crookedly.

This video shows how to adjust the striking plate in your windows or doors. This may be helpful when the window or door jams.

uPVC frames

Watch our video guides on installing and adjusting uPVC frames here.

Video guide for adjusting tilt windows.

Video guide for adjusting doors with Mila-hinges.


Hier kan je onze video's over het plaatsen van dakramen bekijken.